
Friday, 5 December 2014

Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 Crack

This time i have brought something everybody wants now a days. Just crack you any windows and microsoft office (Ms office) with this tool.Everyone searches for this on google and gets it but some tools are fake and hacks you Browser cookies and keylogggs.So this tool is completely free to download.This tool is mainly built for Windows 8 and windows 8.1 and any latest version of Microsoft office. If you liked my tool please share and leave your valuable comment.

windows crack
Windows crack
                                                               Download Now

Saturday, 1 November 2014

How To Create Run Commands in Windows

There is no doubt that Microsoft Windows is the most widely used operating system in all parts of the world. Apart from being simple to use, it is quite rich in features as well, which makes our lives quite easy.
The Run command available on Windows operating system is one such power packed feature that lets you to open a document or an application instantly with the help of just 1 command. So, rather than clicking several icons or using multiple commands, you can use the Run command to open any program or document instantly. For that you will need to Create Run Commands for any software of your Choice which you use Frequently.
Create Run CommandsBut, do you know how to Create Run Commands of your Own? Well, it is really easy, which involves just few steps. Through this article, I will help you understand how to access your favorite applications by creating custom Run commands.

Open Run Command:

Before I show you how to create your own Run commands, let’s take a quick look on how to open Run Command. First of all, you need to open the Run window by just pressing the Windows Key along with the R key, i.e. Windows + R. Now, you have to type the name of the program that you desire to open up or execute. Unfortunately, not all programs can be accessed through this method. So, let me show you how to create Run commands that do not come as inbuilt commands.

Steps to Create run commands of your own

Step 1. The first step is to select the software or application for which you want to make custom Run command. For example, let us consider Google Chrome as the example here. Remember, you can choose any application other than which is already there in the Run command.

Step 2. In the second step, right click on the desktop of your computer system and make a new shortcut.
Right click > New > Shortcut

Step 3. As you select the Shortcut option in the 2nd Step, it will open up a dialog box. And, the dialog box will ask you path of the application or software for which you want to create the Run command.

Step 4. Now, you need to browse through the files and choose the one that shows “chrome.exe”. Well, it is quite obvious that all the executable files can be found in the C drive (or wherever the Operating System has been installed), inside the folder “Program Files”. For example, “C:\Program Files\Google Chrome\chrome.exe

Step 5. Once you are done with Step number 4, just click on “Next” button and simply provide a relative name to that shortcut. Remember, the same name will be used later in the Run command.
For example, “GC” for Google Chrome

Step 6. Now, click on the “Finish” button. Once it is done, an icon related to that application or software will show up on your computer’s screen. It means that the process of creating shortcut has been done successfully.

Step 7. In this step, just cut and paste that recently made shortcut icon into your computer’s root drive, in its Windows folder.
For example, C:\ Windows , Make sure you are the administrator of the computer or have its password.

Step 8. Now, you are done with the set up and can run the application through Run Command. Just go to Run and enter the keyword “GC”, and Google Chrome will begin executing.
So this was a Short but Usefull Tutorial to Create Run Commands for any software in windows,I Hope this Post will Easeup your Work, Stay Tuned and Subscribe to this Blog to Recieve Updates Everytime a New article is posted. Subscribe Box..

Computer Security Tips to Protect your System information

We hear a lots and lots of concerning cases of hacking, softwares, malwares, viruses, etc, Here are someComputer Security tips to safeguard your PC/laptop against hacker intrusions, malware and different viruses that exploits your PC or Laptops.

                                     6 Computer Security Tips

1) Use a firewall

A firewall is a software system that will handle outgoing and incoming Internet connections of your computer. You’ll be able to clearly use the one engineered into Windows by default, however this can be by no means the foremost Efficient. i will like to recommend Comodo Firewall which is free and straightforward to use. Using Firewall is just one of Computer Security tip that i want to mention

2) Use antivirus

There are obvious reasons to use Anti virus Programs, but there are People that don’t have any antivirus or those who have, they have not upgraded thier antivirus since their permit has lapsed.. However there are quite powerful free antivirus Available. One must Install Antivirus to Protect and Keep thier Computer Secure

3) Updating software system:

New vulnerabilities are found in software system or operative systems like Windows each day. So one must always updates thier software system. Keeping your installed Softwares upto date is Important, as it will Keep hackers away from breaking into your System and its Said that any upto date program Works smooth without any glitch.

4) Use complicated passwords

Users like you and me use too weak  passwords that are very simple to detect for hackers, there are so many software which will try all Possible Combinations to Crack your Password, this is known as Bruteforce technique .  If your secret word(password) Consists of just 4 or 5 characters, it will easily discover it.
Your Password becomes harder to crack if it consists of 8 or 9 characters which also includes numbers, letters and special characters.To check the strength of your Password, there are plenty tools over internet. This is an important Computer Security tip that everyone must Consider.

5) Use totally different passwords

Most common mistake people make is that they use same password everywhere over internet. Yes, its very hard to remember passwords for all accounts but its highly advisible to have different passwords for different accounts.
This Practice Comes handy if one of your account gets Compromised/Hacked, then your other accounts are still safe.

6) Always Beware:

  • Finally, Abstain from getting hacked,  Always beware while Browsing Internet, don’t transfer and install everything and anything on your PC or Laptop.
  • Always check the sources of software system and websites that you just use to download programs.
  • Don’t be silly and amateur hackers won’t be able to do  anything to you (while serious and skilled hackers will not have any interest to hack you)
Do you have any Computer Security tip that you will like to share ? Feel free to comment below.

Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player Have the Capability to Play Videos with all most all Video Formats , Probably this is the One reason Why VLC media player is the most Prefered Media player,  But Do you know that We Can even Watch Youtube Videos in VLC ? Yes we can, We do not require Browser to Watch Youtube Videos, VLC will do that job for you very Well. 
You can not only Watch single Video in VLC  but also Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC to watch them in Sequence,Some More Advantages of Watching Youtube Videos In VLC Media player are:
  • Watch Youtube Videos without Ads, Means no Disturbance While Watching your Favourite Video.
  • Use Loop Button To Watch a Video Again and again Many times.
  • Increase or Decrease the Speed of the Video
  • Take Snapshots of any particular Screen of a Song or Movie.

How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player

Now let us Get Started With Steps to Watch Youtube Videos In VLC, Follow the Below Simple Steps.
Step 1: Open VLC media player, Click on File > Open Network Or Simply Use CTRL+N Keys to Open up Network URL Dialog box.
Step 2: Open Youtube, Navigate to Whatever Video you want to Play in VLC, Copy the Url of that video and Paste it in the Dialogue Box. and Click on Play.
Step 3: Enjoy Your Video.
Simple Enough hah, Now Let us see How to Watch Youtube Playlist In VLC Media Player.
Step 1: To Watch Youtube Playlists in VLC we will be Using an addon, So Click here to Goto the Downloading Page of the VLC addon Called VLC Playlist Parser. Make sure you have Latest Version of VLC Running on your system.
Step 2: Download the addon, Copy it and Paste it in Videos Installation folder which in most cases would be C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist. 
Step 3: Everything is done, Now Open VLC, Press CTRL+N Paste Video Playlist URL Which need to be Public. Click on Play and Enjoy all the Videos.
I Just Hope this tutorial on How to Watch Youtube Videos in VLC Media Player Helps all you Youtube Lovers.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows

In this tutorial you will learn cool and simple trick to Create an undeletable and unrenamable Folders In Windows operating system. Most of the Peoples are not aware that it is possible to create Undeletable, Unrenamable folder in windows without any software. To Test this concept just follow simple steps given below.

Try to make a new folder in windows & give it name con,aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9. you won't be allowed to create folder with above mentioned names, Because they are reserved words in windows.

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?
  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run
  2. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).
  3. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
  4. Type D: or E: and hit enter
  5. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)
  6. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
  7. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.
  8. Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How to delete that folder ?
It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
  3. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)
  4. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.

Friday, 17 October 2014

How To Change Your IP Address

My IP address
Can I change my IP address? is probably the most commonly asked question, IP address is a numerical way of identifying your computer. Every computer has its own unique IP. If you get your IP blocked somewhere and you don't like it then this guide is for you, Before trying this method, turning off or unplug your modem/router for few minutes.


1. Type "CMD" into the run box from start menu and hit OK

2. Type "ipconfig" into the command prompt (This will show you info about your IP address)

3. Type "ipconfig /release" and hit "Enter (This will remove your currnt IP)

How to change my IP address

4. Type "ipconfig /renew" and you will be presented with a new IP address.

5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt.

If this does not answer of your question, please leave your comment.

Create Some Fake Computer Viruses

make some fake computer viruses
Today I am sharing another interesting article about "How To Make Fake Funny  Computer Virus". In this tutorial I teach you how to make a harmless and fake virus, Basically what it does is just log off and then "Shutdownyour computer.
Disclaimer - Everything here is for informational purposes only.

1. Fake error message

Step-1 Make a new text document with notepad, type msg * YOUR MESSAGE, image refer below:
Type your fake massage

Step- 2 Now save as Play me.bat As always, make sure that you select All files instead of Text Document.

Here's how it will look like once it is launched:

Fake error message

2. Forced Shutdown

Step-1 Put the following into your Notpad:

@echo off
shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "YOUR MESSAGE HERE"

(Replace 60 with the length of the countdown you want)

Step- 2 Now save as play me.bat

Here's how it will look like:

Fake forced shutdown

To stop it, open Run from the start menu and type shutdown-a. Enjoy
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